Thursday, July 9, 2009

Some Good News

Ok, another round of doctors that took about 3 hrs today. Whew... I'm exhausted, and had no idea it would be like that just to get out of the house.

Great news though!

1) Cervix is back to normal! YAY... so ibuprofen worked.
However, I have to be taken off ibuprofen as of Monday AM, so that's when it could get interesting.

2) Babies are fine... same position as before. Baby A is head down, Baby B is heads up.

3) We did the fetal stress test and found that they have normal amounts of movement, however, I am having light contractions. They are random... not in any sort of order, and are very weak. Given that Ibuprofen stops here soon, this could get a little more interesting.

All's well though-- and we're still weighing the options of vaginal vs. C-section... but vaginal is winning even with a possibility of Baby B being born breached. We'll see where the end position of the kiddies are soon enough I guess.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. thinking good thoughts for you and your babes allyson! good to hear that for now the cervix is back to normal... hopefully those twins get as much cooking time as possible. - megan
